Private Office

With secured access, your fully-equipped private studio is the perfect space for your team. Includes access to all CoCreate perks and amenities.

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Ideal for


Core features

Enjoy your private space maximized for productivity and efficiency.

Private Space to Maximize Productivity

A private space for up to 4 people gives you the work environment you need to maximize your team’s productivity. Just what you need to get started with business every day.

Optimisation for Efficient Teamwork

Plan ahead in a dynamic workspace, optimised for your team’s needs. Everything condensed in one professional work space.

Dedicated Staff and Networking Opportunities

With a private studio, you get access to office essentials, printers and meeting rooms. If you need something, we’re just a few steps away. Our dedicated staff is always around to help. Regular networking events help you engage with amazing talent in our offices.

With complete privacy, you’re still close to dynamic professionals from varied backgrounds. It’s the perfect opportunity to engage and collaborate.

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